Executive Assistant: an Unexpected Career Path of Opportunity

Everyone's dream is to land an exciting, well-paying job straight out of college, but in reality, most people have to work their way up from the bottom. For many, this means working as an Executive Assistant (EA). Working as an assistant may not sound all that glamorous, but the experience you acquire from a job that is as unconventional and it is unpredictable can equip you with an invaluable skillset that could ultimately help you snag the job you've always wanted. Here's how working as an EA could put you on a path to the career of your dreams.

Executive Assistant: a Job With Serious Perks

For EAs, especially those who are familiar with the business and are good at what they do, the time will come when they must decide if they want to further their career as an Executive Assistant or use their connections and experience to move on to a new role. Before you make this critical decision, it's important to weigh out your options.

Setting Yourself Apart as an Executive Assistant

A successful Executive Assistant is worth their weight in gold. This is because they can effortlessly switch between tasks and roles, while ensuring that everything gets done efficiently, as well as making decisions so their executive doesn't have to think twice. The secret behind being a good EA and a great one is convincing your boss that you are vital to their success. These are the qualities that will distinguish you as an integral part of the company rather than just another employee:

  • Trustworthiness: Executives want their right hand people to be completely trustworthy. You can gain the unwavering trust of your boss by not acting impulsively, doing research before making decisions, and considering others’ points of view before acting. A level-headed EA is a reliable one.

  • Ability to Read People: Being aware of people's feelings, intentions, and needs will allow you to establish better relationships with them. This goes for your boss's team, business partners, and the executive themself. Taking the time to listen to the needs and interests of the people you do business with every day with serve you well as an EA.

  • Strong Organizational Skills: There are a lot of moving components that come with being an EA. It is critical that you find an organizational system that works for you to stay on top of all of your responsibilities without letting anything fall through the cracks or feel like you're drowning. Once you've mastered this and can effortlessly put out fires without getting overwhelmed, you can accomplish anything your boss throws your way.

Focusing on and nurturing these qualities will ensure that you become an invaluable asset to your boss. Before long, you'll be the person everyone wants to have on their team.

Using Your Executive Assistant Experience to Move Up the Ladder

If you know that an EA position is not your ideal long-term career, it's time to leverage your position in the executive world to branch out into a field that you're passionate about. Fortunately, EAs have exposure to employers, information, and industries that most entry level roles do not. Take advantage of this unique position by paying close attention to what is going on around you. Internalize how companies and employers, including your own, do things and why. Use your connections to learn more about other industries, get involved with them when possible, and show everyone what you're capable of. The more contacts you make, the more options you will have when you begin your search for something new.

Regardless of the position you hope to one day attain, the skills you acquire while working as an Executive Assistant will be seen as invaluable to nearly any employer. The most desirable qualities that EAs possess and companies want are:

  • Strong Communication

  • Problem Solving

  • Critical Thinking

  • Self-Sufficiency

These traits are difficult to teach, so employers recognize their value when they see them. With their solid people skills, ability to work well under pressure, and adaptability, careers that EAs typically thrive in include:

  • Event Planner

  • Fundraiser

  • Public Relations Specialist

  • Organizational Development Specialist

  • Business Analyst

Working as an EA is a good career path. It can be an effective way to get exposure to an array of industries that you might otherwise know nothing about. Whether you decide that being an EA is a career that keeps you challenged and stimulated or that you would like to use it as a stepping stone to something greater, you should strive to take advantage of the perks your position brings from beginning to end. Learning on the job, making connections, and building a healthy relationship with your boss can only help you in the long run. 

To find your ideal career as an EA or beyond, apply here at The Hire Standard. As one of the top recruitment companies in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are experts at pairing the right talent with the perfect employer. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your Executive Assistant career take off.